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Re: [romconlang] 3rd person pronouns - Einglek

On 13.6.2007 funkymonkey1148 wrote:
>  The problem is that I'd still like to have gendered 3rd
>  person pronouns to distinguish male/female beings. So
>  far, using ILLE or IPSE produces too similar pronouns.
>  Perhaps I could use IS, but then the feminine accusative
>  singular comes out equal to the nominative.
> Any other suggestions?

This is a very interesting idea, and very similar to one I
once had, though I started from Greek and stopped at Old
English -- because for some reason Greek written in Latin
script and OE appear visually similar to me.

(NB I have read the other responses, and mine are in the
light of them.)

After some mulling I came to a suggestion based on these
four assumptions:

 - it is likely that an Englishy romlang preserves a
   nominative/oblique distinction in pronouns,
 - it is *not* likely that there is an accustaive/dative (or
   direct/indirect object) distinction,
 - the single oblique must not be derived from the
   accusative -- even in English 'him' and 'her' are from
   the dative. (The Scandinavian languages do likewise, what
   about Dutch?),
 - we know that Vulgar Latin ILLE and IPSE could be stressed
   on the ending,

so you get, with some known VL levellings and analogies

:        Masc.             Fem.         Neut.
: Nom.   IPSE    is        IPSA   se    ILLU   il
: Obl.   IPS(U)I sy        IPSAEI say   ILLU   il
: Poss.  IPSIUS  sus/sis   IPSAE  say   ILLIUS lus/lis/ils

I hope this helps.

(There may be a problem with 'himself' etc., but I guess
'self' may be _mesm_ from METIPSIM- , so _symesm,
saymesm, ilmesm_.)

BTW I agree with the others that case and gender both should
disappear in an Anglo-Romlang.