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Re: [romconlang] Re: Lethino Pronouns

Henrik Theiling wrote:

> Peter Collier writes:
>> Example: "Chapal"  (horse) m.
> Nice! :-)  Looks French. :-P
> Interestingly, although I am planning a conlang with quite similar
> goals, I can already say that it will look completely different.
> E.g. I'd expect my lang to have 'Kawel' or something. :-)

Funny. Once I had an idea to pass Germanic roots through French vowel
changes, that is to do the inverse. Horse would be smth like 'perd' [pE:R]
there. I scared my wife with a phrase 'de guatre chaud' [d@ 'gatR@ 'So]
"cold water"...

-- Isaac/Yitzik