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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Isaac Penzev" <isaacp@...> wrote: > Funny. Once I had an idea to pass Germanic roots through French vowel > changes, that is to do the inverse. Horse would be smth like 'perd' [pE:R] > there. I scared my wife with a phrase 'de guatre chaud' [d@ 'gatR@ 'So] > "cold water"... Voicre enfau gut! [vwa:kR A~'fo: gy] "Welch guter Einfall!" Y es liève. [je ljE:v] "Ich liebe es." Ât-tu moir devon? ['a:ty mwa:R d@'vo~] "Hast du mehr davon?" Crétien Thauman [kRe'tjE~ to'mA~]