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Re: [romconlang] Call for opinions: word for "now"


Adam Walker writes:
> --- eamoniski <robertg@hidden.email> wrote:
> > In creating the words for "now," I've generated the
> > following:
> C-a has jin < Lt. jam and edjuebu < Gk. he de loipon
> which would be used in cases like "Now, when the day
> of Pentecost had fully come . . ."; agora < Lt. ac
> hora maeing simply "now"; agorida < agora + the
> diminutive -ida and fist'agora ultimately < Lt. que
> istud ac hora meaning right now.

Nice! Quite a set to select from. :-)

What does 'agorida' then mean exactly?  How is it used?

> nun~umba < Lt. nonnunquam.

I like that.
