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Re: [romconlang] Etymology - anque

On 31 Jan 2007, at 10:16, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

On 31/01/2007 07:42, Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
eamoniski skrev:
I'm probably missing something obvious, but can anyone tell me the
origin of Old French "anquenuit," Old Provencal "ancuei" and (I
presume) Venetian "ancuo" - all meaning "today"?

Meyer-Lübke doesn't list it, which may mean that he didn't
have a clue...

I took a quick look my REW and _did_ find some forms like those Eamon
quoted in the index; Meyer-Lübke seems to relate these to "hodie". But
I was checking very early in the morning, before my coffee ;), and I
couldn't quite suss the relationship from the "hodie" entry.

Oh, surely it must be "hanc hodie"?


Carl Edlund Anderson