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Re: [romconlang] lingua romance confortabile

--- Jacques Deh�e <jacquesdehe@hidden.email> wrote:

> il es interesante d'elaborar un lingua
> construite confortabile pro usatores de
> cultura romance

Gouerement! Goueldreus ty amplificar poz c' alch
cante Roman? ays ces chantes vult, hos-ci. foreth
il c' ist o c' acel cants il ma o menus

Dom-placereus ar-z-other alch ke crezes ty
ynteresant, ystrang o mer niconforteible di 's
nusteor chantes!



(Yes, it is, indeed. Would you care to elaborate
on a comfortable Romance conlang? There's a lot
of them out there, some more or less comfortable.

I'd be interested in hearing what you find
interesting or even uncomfortable about the
various Romance conlangs that get discussed

Camifi, Marusi, teterani, tester fuferios asteros; tamenio
vem Persaecion empuriase ed ec pasem emduriase!
    --Pomperios Perfurios.


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