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Re: [romconlang] Evolution del Latino vulgar verso le linguas romance

Jacques Deh�e skrev:
> Ave!
> Evolution del Latino vulgar verso le linguas romance:
> - inter anos -200 e +400 on trova diferente formas de
>   Latino vulgar
> - inter anos 500 e 600 iste formas comencia a diferentiar
>   se netemente
> - in circa 800 l'existentia del linguas romance es
>   reconocite (sinode de Tours)
> - in 842 un prime texto complete es scribite in un lingua
>   romance (le lingua nomate "roman", forma de proto-
>   francese), le "Serments de Strasbourg": � Pro deo amur
>   et pro christian poblo et nostro commun salvament, d'ist
>   di in avant, in quant deus savir et podir me dunat, si
>   salvarai eo cist meon fradre Karlo et in aiudha et in
>   cadhuna cosa, si cum om per dreit son fradra salvar
>   dist, in o quid il mi altresi fazet, et ab Ludher nul
>   plaid nunquam prindrai, qui meon vol cist meon fradre
>   Karle in damno sit � etc.
> Amicalmente, Jacques

Omnes subscriptores huius circuli epistoularum hoc
scire credo.

Credo quod omnes qui istum epistularium subscribunt
illum sapiunt.

/Benedictus Philippus Gothus

Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

"And therefore every care must be taken that our auxiliarie-
 s, being stronger than our citizens, may not grow to be too
 much for them and become savage tyrants instead of friends
 and allies."
                   -- Plato (The Republic, Book 2)