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I wrote: > Also, is Sagonna the real ancient name of Sa�ne or is > it later? Thanks to Wikipedia I now know that: # The name Sa�ne derives from that of the Celtic river # goddess Souconna. However, the recorded ancient name of # the river was Arar. Hmm, souconna > *sauconna > *saugonna > *sauGona > *saGona > Sa�ne, evidently, with _Sagonna_ a spelling for the *saGona stage. So probably _Saugone_ or _Sagone_ in R#3/Rhodrese. The Lugdunum > Lyon puzzle remains, however... -- /BP 8^)> -- Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se a shprakh iz a dialekt mit an armey un flot (Max Weinreich)