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Re: [romconlang] Re: " linguist - linguista - linguisto "

Pavel A. da Mek skrev:
# if then we take -e for indefinite sex, we see the
# advantage of liberating ourselves from the Esp strait-
# jacket of having -o in all substantives (even primadonna
# being made into primadono), and we get the following
# natural sets of words:
# - fratre brother or sister, fratro, fratra.

Or leave -o ending for unmarked gender
and mark the maskuline gender by -u like in Latin.

In Novial -u creates concrete neuter nouns, ie. nouns denoting
a physical, concrete object, eg. bonu, "a good
thing/object". Adding -um creates abstract neuter nouns, eg.
bonum, "good" (as in Li bonum de disi situatione es ke...,
"The good (thing) of this situation is that..."); from fakti
"true, factual" we get faktum "a fact". When added to
adjectives of nationality, this ending creates nouns
denoting the language spoken, eg. from angli "English" we
get li anglum "the English language".

Not that I'm sure there is need for such fine distinctions.

/BP 8^)
  B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
"Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk,
and so they are gone to milk the bull."
                                    -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;)