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re: Pfarlez-vus Rinech?

From: Peter Collier


The following *extremely* banal drivel is the first ever attempt at coherent
Rinish. The final orthography is undetermined, so probably very
illogical/inconsistent around the umlauts and diphthongs right now!:

"Pfarls-zau rinech?" /pfa:rls tsau ri:n@C/

"Sai, moensenn, jo pfarl." /sai m9:nzen jo pfa:rl/

If he was being more polite, he'd have said "pfarlez-vus" (/pfa:rlets vu:s)
of course."



I like the idea of a Rhenish Romlang. I take it that you have based the
phonology on Standard German rather than the Rhenish dialects of German. One
characteristic of them is that the High German sound shift is nowhere as
extensive as in Standard German. Only the very southern Rhine area, namely
the Alemannic dialects along the Rhine, have undergone the shift [p] =>
[pf]. All the other Rhenish dialects retain [p]. 

Another typical feature of Rhenish dialects is that [C] coalesces with [S]
in [S].


So, if you were to accept these amendments into the language that would

"Parls-zau rinech" /pa:rls tsau ri:n@S/






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