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Pfarlez-vus Rinech?

Fed up of thinking about verb tenses, so... what I can play with using just the present tense, a language name and some pronouns?


The following *extremely* banal drivel is the first ever attempt at coherent Rinish. The final orthography is undetermined, so probably very illogical/inconsistent around the umlauts and diphthongs right now!:

"Pfarls-zau rinech?"                /pfa:rls tsau ri:n@C/
"Sai, moensenn, jo pfarl."       /sai m9:nzen jo pfa:rl/

If he was being more polite, he'd have said "pfarlez-vus" (/pfa:rlets vu:s) of course.

Anyway, now I've thoroughly underwhelmed you all - does anyone know of any websites showing how the various tenses developed from CL/VL into the various Romlangs? Which disappeared, which survive, changes in usage, development of auxilliary verbs and so on?
