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--- Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@hidden.email> wrote: > Why don't you just say that the language name was > adopted from a > neighboring language/dialect, and isn't actually > from fully within > the language itself? Isn't that how _Espa�ol_ came > about? > > > -Stephen (Steg) > I don't know how <espa�ol> came to be, but I was wondering about the very question the other day (as one does...). I don't know enough about the development of Spanish to know where it comes from, but in French, which has similar words to Spanish for <Spain> and <Spanish>, shouldn't the modern French words be something more like * <*�paignie> and <�paignais> if they had evolved all the way from CL <HISPANIA> and <HISPAN�>? Peter.