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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Peter Collier" <petecollier@...> wrote: > How would you derive a language name from Rhénus (The river Rhine) in Latin? Rhéné? Note that the language name itself will be an adjective, not an adverb. In fact, I find it hard to come up with a situation where you would need the adverb, since modern romlangs prefer things like "en français" over *"françaisement". ;o) As for Latin, I presume one would have used the ablative: francâ loquuntur. BTW, I'm somewhat envious of the place name Rhênânia. My own concountry in the very same geographical location calls itself Jerwaena, after the Roman province Germania Superior. I would probably have preferred Renaena, had I thought of it back then. -- Christian Thalmann