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Bunudes, Henrik, The design is in my head. I took a list of about 7,000 Latin words which I found on the internet (and which I'd be happy to forward off list to interested people) and applied various sound changes which were solely aesthetically pleasing to my eye. I could not provide you with the changes any longer as I literally scrolled through the list and found changes as I went along, appling a global change along the way. I then superimposed a grammar based on what I had studied in French and Portuguese. I am only beginning to catalogue my language on my website now. Conhistory is extremely sketchy to date. The best I can say thus far is that when the Romans were in Regiomontanus, people stayed behind. A culture developed and survived over the ages, despite various advancing and declining empires in the area. Today's Regimontus is product of the collapsed Soviet Union. Its name in Regimonti is Rejumona. It has become the 4th Baltic republic which came from the Kaliningrad Oblast of the RSFSR, sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. The capital city is Rumave which was formerly Kaliningrad which was at one time Koenigsburg. The name Rumave has a distant derivation from "Roma" as those who stayed wished to have some remembrance of their homeland. I am planning a separate website which will cover the modern country of Regimontus/Rejumona. To date, I have designed a flag for the country which you would see on the Regimonti language website. I had chosen those colours as part of a long standing plan for a conculture in this area before the collapse of the Soviet Union. I was surprised to see that the same colours were in the Estonian flag and thought that it would not be at all unusual to see a second flag with similar colours. Think of the French flag and the flag of the Netherlands. There is also a national anthem complete with music which will be posted on the cultural website at some point in the future. I put the music into a midi file which will be playable from the website. As I design and implement things, I'll send updates to the group. Thanks for asking! Scotto Rumansa website: http://www3.telus.net/public/scottoh/rumansa/ -----Original Message----- From: romconlang@yahoogroups.com [mailto:romconlang@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Henrik Theiling Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:55 PM To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [romconlang] Re: Declarasa Onoda Des Regus Deu Homu Hi! Scotto Hlad writes: >... > I troubled a bit over choosing O for first person singular is it could be a > bit troublesome combined with "Oh" as it "Oh, I see." which would be > rendered, "O, o veje." But I didn't see it as enough of an obstacle to > worry about being that the construct would be much more common in in spoken > language than written. >... It's fascinating. I'd be very interesting in learning more about your language, especially how it is designed and about the conhistory, etc. **Henrik [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]