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Re: [romconlang] language names - adverbs?

Peter Collier <petecollier@hidden.email> wrote:
> I wish I'd paid more attention in Latin class all those years ago!
> How would you derive a language name from Rhénus (The riverRhine) in Latin?  Rhéné?  Or would it more likely be devolvedsomehow from Rhénánia (my Roman province *there*)?

The adjective from Rhe:nus is Rhe:na:nus; thus if you had a language
"lingua Rhenana" the adverb would be "Rhe:na:ne:".  If you were to
derive it from Rhe:na:nia, it'd be lingua Rhe:na:nica, and Rhe:na:nice:.

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