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Re: [romconlang] Whither <QV_>?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Benct Philip Jonsson 
  To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [romconlang] Whither <QV_>?
  Well, that's actually strange.  I'm not up to date on the
  complexities of the HG consonant shift, but the k > (k)x
  shift *is* the most restricted part -- OTOH maybe _qu_
  did write /(k)xw/ in the dialects where it applied, as
  AFAIK there would be no possible contrast to **/kw/,
  since *gw had become *w (or *g in some contexts) in

  You're right on the limited change, in that in German /kw/ would not shift to */(k)xw/ as an inital /k/ only changed before a vowel.  I was kind of wondering aloud there, that since latin doesn't seem to have many words with initial /k/ followed by another consonant (???) if the change in my 'romance' effort might then not come to be applied to initial /k/ in all circumstances, by analogy with the squillion everyday /k/[+vowel] words being pronounced /x/.

  It's just so tricky trying to listen to miilions of imaginary people, over two millenia, talking.  One might go completely insane trying....

  West Germanic.  In either case I think Pete can silently
  keep _qu-_ and keep the question of its realization

  Ach!!!  That's cheating!!!    Tempting idea though...


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