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Re: [romconlang] Whither <QV_>?

On 23/05/2006 12:03, Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
Germanic outside English is shock full of /kv/, whether
spelled _kv/qu/kw_.  What's the point of making a Germanic-
taste language if you dislike typical Germanic sounds and
sound-combination? (Just wondering...)

Well, indeed! I like /kv/ and /kw/. Makes everything feel so .... Germanic! :) Don't seem at all Esperantish to me (but then I know very little about Esperanto!).

But why would /kv/ (or /kw/) end up like /kxv/ or /kCv/? That doesn't seem to have happened in other Germanic languages (that I know of) .... Couldn't things just stay /kw/? You could even keep the ol' <qu> orthography that crops up in OHG, or you could give it the Gothic-style plain <q> (which I think is pleasantly exotic-looking :)


Carl Edlund Anderson