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Re: On orthgraphies

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Peter Collier" <petecollier@...>
> Thing is, I can't imagine how best to transcribe a word-initial
velar fricative ...
How about a simple "h"? In Medieval German "h" and "ch" were used
interchangeably: you get "nacht" and "naht". Although German
standardised the "ch", some Slavonic languages have preferred "h":
Hrvat "Croat".

> And then that led me to wondering to what extent the romance
languages' orthographies tend towards being conservative, (in
preserving the original latin to some extent or another).
A lot of Medieval Romance is very un-Latin. In French "ki" for "qui"
is still common in the 12C, and in the 10C an Italian wrote "Sao cco
kelle terre". If your language remained in a non-Romance environment,
like Romansch or Rumanian, it might avoid re-Latinisation. Think of
things like "Ad eira ün chod da schlupper".