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Re: [romconlang] 3rd person singular and plural verb

 --- Scotto Hlad skrzypszy:

> [...] thus making the 3rd singular and 3rd plural the same form. 
> Would this necessarily force the need for a pronoun to used at all 
> times with the 3rd person to distinguish singular and plural? 

Well, it will certainly make the use of pronouns more frequent! But
like the others said, that might be restricted to cases when the
meaning would be ambiguous. But the chance for obligatory use of
pronouns is definitely bigger!

> Would such a change then force the requirement of a pronoun with 
> all forms?

Quite possible, but not necessarily. In Wenedyk, pro-drop is standard
in the 1rd and 2nd persons, possible but not standard in the 3rd


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