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Re: [romconlang] Re: Benencontrati (well met)

 --- Italocarune skrzypszy:

> Actually, I'm American (though you're not the first to think I am
> European. 

Yes, I saw that in a later mail.

> The plurals are intended to look Italian, but I really thought it 
> looked more Spanish. Really, I'm intrigued. 

Such impression may, of course, be superficial. I have to admit that
I know neither Italian nor Spanish, so I can judge this only from a
very basic impression I have of both languages. If you want to be
sure, you should ask a few Italian and Spaniard for their impression.

> All I got was a bunch of "yes I can read that"'s from the Italian 
> and French speakers. The French had more trouble with it, though.

Well, from what I have seen, discussions on bulletin boards tend to
have much less depth than discussions on mailing lists. I don't know
why that is. 

What is the etymology of "Carune", BTW?


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