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Salut a tots! (hi everyone) My mother language is French, but I am also interested in the Rhaeto- romance languages (which are spoken in Switzerland and North Italy). I saw that there was many similarities between Gallo- (French, Occitan...) and Rhaeto-romance languages (Romansh, Friulan...), so I decided to create a language, which could be the link between them. I called it Vrialese (don't ask me where this name come from, maybe a mix between Friulan and Walloon, the Oil dialect that I know...). This romlang has not ONE possibility to pronounce, but there are many different pronounciations, depending on the place where you live (the "Oil" pronounciation is the most complicated)... In the alphabet, there are non-romance letters: c (pronounced /k/, /tS/ or /S/), g (/g/, /dZ/ or /Z/), z (/dz/ or /z/), ä (/a/ or /E/) and ö (/O/ or /2/). I made a page with a general presentation (on KutjaraWiki): http://www.kutjara.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vrialese <http://www.kutjara.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vrialese> and I'm making a dictionary, which I'll publish very soon. A revêder! (goodbye) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]