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Re: [romconlang] Semito-Romance

--- Santalum Alba <madyaas@hidden.email> wrote:

> On 28/01/06, Padraic Brown
> <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote:
> > --- Jan van Steenbergen
> <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>
> >
> > I wonder why the -a dropped off of profeta --
> the
> > -a was pretty engrained in that kind of word.
> I wonder about that too since it would remain
> "profeta" unless some
> sort of French style weakening of final
> unstressed "a" happened,
> causing it to become a schwa and then drop.
> Although, in that case
> you'd expect it to happen to all final a
> (making the language name
> "Link Rom�nik")

> > The rather conservative form Deus is unusual
> --
> > though I think it's normal in Ptg. (?)
> I've always wondered what the evolution of the
> word was. Is it a
> learned borrowing which replaced the "native"
> form, or has that been
> the natural evolution of the word in
> Portuguese? In Ladino the form is
> dio of course.

Kerno has it, but I suspect very strongly that it
is a learned borrowing.
> > She can't quite settle on a 3s of be. At one
> time
> > it's son (must come from the 3pl -- very
> strange,
> > since the other 3s forms like creava derive
> > neatly from older 3s forms -- and then later
> it's
> > sona.
> I found that pretty odd myself. Where is sona
> coming from? 

I would suspect that she sees -a as a 3s ending
(creava, etc).

> Doesn't
> sound like she knows the verbal conjugations of
> ser. I was expecting "es".

Or at worst, esa.

> > Spellings with K in stead of C is just plain
> > wrong for Romance. ;) I'd have prefered Q to
> > K!
> You might be shocked, but I considered using k
> at first for
> Montreiano, sort of in a Ladino sort of way,
> but then I thought better
> and realized it's not THAT heavily influenced
> by Ladino (I'd actually
> say it's not noticeably influenced by it, by
> the way) :)

Well, I use it all over the place in Kerno too
(kindly note the name of the language!), for [k]
plus [e] or [i]. But I also have C to compensate.
Plus a couple Qs.
> > Looks like the past pples have been levelled
> > to a
> > single form in -ada; and ones that are
> > usually
> > irregular like construir have been
> > regularised.
> Looks like she didn't know the forms of
> construir. She also has
> "derived" wrong, at least for Spanish, Italian,
> and Portuguese. I do
> hope it's simply a typo (we all make them...)
> I do commend her efforts though. It has a
> different feel than other
> romlangs, of coure.

I agree in commending her effort. I don't really
see how it has a "different feel" though. I think
that might be related to the fact that she SAYS
she is deliberately trying to give it a Semitic
feel (but I don't think she really does that at
all!) and has translated the shahada (an
obviously Semitic text).


That was the end of the woman in the woods,
Weela Weela wallia
And that was the end of her bawbee too
Down by the river Sallia

The moral of this story is,
Weela weela wallia;
Don't stick knives in baby's heads
Down by the river Sallia. 


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
