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--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote: > > > I'm sure I can find a computer somewhere > > > with access. I'd love to see them. > > > > If you'ld prefer, I could save them as text > > files. > > That would be fantabulous! Better still: The Divine Liturgy according to the Rite of Saint Gregory <http://members.aol.com/FrNicholas/liturgy.htm> The Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil <http://www.coptic.net/prayers/StBasilLiturgy.html> You might be interested in this one, as it is from neighbouring lands. The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark <http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/ANF-07/anf07-64.htm> THE LITURGY OF SAINT TIKHON <http://orthodoxanglican.net/downloads/tikhon.PDF> LITURGY OF ST. DIONYSIUS, BISHOP OF THE ATHENIANS <http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/areopagite_10_liturgy.htm> The Sarum Rite <http://www.columbia.edu/cu/sarum/rite.html> (historical context) <http://www.odox.net/Liturgy1-Sarum.htm> (text) Padraic. Almighty and Eternal God, help us to realise that we are no longer the young and the restless; but help us all remember that we have one life to live; let us remain always close to you, walking not in Ryan's hope, but in Christian hope, for our destination is Heaven, not J.R.'s Dallas. May mothers and fathers of our community always pray to You "Bless and protect all my children." Like sands in the hour glass, so these are the days of our lives; and so, as the world turns, and as some of us have to visit the Doctors and the general hospital, may we always keep You dear, God, as the Guiding Light. Then, we won't be concerned with a foolish search for tomorrow, walking on the edge of night. For together, dear Lord, we will be able to create and build another world. Amen. Rev. Carl A. Fisher, SSJ -- Ill Bethisad -- <http://www.geocities.com/elemtilas/ill_bethisad> Come visit The World! -- <http://www.geocities.com/hawessos/> .