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Re: [romconlang] A question to get the list talking again

Padraic Brown wrote:

--- Henrik Theiling <theiling@hidden.email> wrote:

> Mind the bird flue...

Oh, come off it! It's not like they sacrifice
birds in church! I'll just hope this was a
momentary lapse of social propriety on your part,
and not either a) a mere typo (a flue is
something a chimney has) or b) an extremely mean
spirited and totally uncalled-for swipe at (some
of our) religions.

I thought he was just making a comment about sharing the cup being a way to spread disease. Whether it is or isn't (I keep hearing different opinions) I don't know, but I didn't think it was a swipe at the religion.

Anyway, shaking hands is probably just as bad, if not worse.

Mary Jones

"History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." --James Joyce. Ulysses.