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Re: A question to get the list talking again

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker <carrajena@y...> 
> --- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@u...> wrote:
> > Adam Walker jazdy:
> > 
> > 
> > > I
> > > really need to work on the C-an peerage.  I have a
> > > word for king and one for queen, but beyond that
> > > nothing exists!  I need dukes, and counts, and all
> > > manner of frippity-fraps!
> > 
> > ...that leads to the question: does the present
> > version of C-a still reflect
> > the stage of the XIV c. AD? When will we be able to
> > see Modern C-a?
> > 
> > -- Yitzik
> > 
> > 
> That is a question for the ages.  I already have some
> "modern" vocabulary due to some of the Weekly
> Vocabulary Exercises from years gone by.  I need to
> work on the timeline more to see what happens, who
> there is enough interraction with to result in
> significant borrowing, etc.  I've been working on
> getting the dictionary 100% up-to-date.  It's about
> 98% now.  I've recently gotten back to work on the
> translation of Matthew and a few of the Psalms.  I've
> started on a Donatist liturgy, and I've been thinking
> about dialects (Tripolitanian, Mauretanian, Maltese,
> hinterland, Jewish, gypsie) and wondering about the
> Carraxan Jewish community.  I think the native
> (non-Sephardic) Jews are Karaite (Caridus).
> I've also been exploring customs -- like the picknicks
> held on the graves of the departed one the first,
> second, fifth and tenth anniversaries of their death;
> and the burning of hair cut on old year's day to
> symbolize making a fresh start.  Tomorrow (Jan 5th)
> the streets of the Donatist neighborhoods will be
> vibrant with songs as the Holy Family search for an
> inn.  Christmas day still lacks the liturgy I'd hoped
> to write for it, but does have 3 or 4 songs now.
> I'm still trying to choose a date for St. Donatus Day
> and St. Tertulian Day.  I've been pouring through
> books on saints to find ones that will recieve special
> attention in the liturgy, etc.

The Scillitan Martyrs; St. Perpetua and Companions; St. Cyprian.

> And I've been thinking about alliances between Carraxa
> and Provence during the Albegensian crusades.
> Now, I need to write a "history" of the War of the Two
> Queens" and map out the reign of King William III.
> Adam who needs to focus
> Jin xividjilud djal suñu ed falud ul Jozevu pomu instanchid ul 
andjelu djul Dominu sivi, ed idavi achibid jun al su sposa. Ed nun 
aved cuñuxud ad sivi ancha nadud jan ad ul sua huiju primodjindu ed 
cuamad il su numi ul Jezu.
> Machu 1:24-25