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This is for the same world as Cunwy (Greek Brithenig), except it provides the base for the equivalent of Western Romance languages (Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Langue d'Oc, Langue d'Oil, Italian) 1. Short i y e O a Long i: y: u: e: E: O: a: Diphthongs ui Oi ai au eu E:u 1 > 2 ui Oi ai au eu E:u > y: O: e: o: 2: 2(open): 2. Short i y e O a Long i: y: u: e: 2: o: E: 2(open): a: 2 > 3 i y e O a > e 2 E O a V: > V 3 (GEoPWR) i y u e 2 o E 2(open) O a Samples Femininine nikE: 'VICTORY' ni:kE: > nit_SE ni:kE:n > nit_SE(n) ni:kai > nit_Se ni:ka:s > nika(s) Masculine tOpOs 'PlACE' tOpOs > tObO(s) tOpOn > tObO(n) tOpoi > tObE tOpu:s > tObu(s)