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>>I do recommend you to study some Vulgar Latin before you start working on this conlang, though. << I fully intend to. I just want to get really comfortable with Classical Latin first. One thing I love about CL is that, once you get past learning all the different declensions and conjugations, it's the most economical language I've ever learned. In fact, I'm thinking of splitting my conlang into two different varieties: Modern Brujeric, which is what I've already come up with, and Classical Brujeric. The former would be based on Vulgar Latin (or at least seem to be so, being actually based on modern French and Spanish) and the latter on Classical Latin. In a manner somewhat analagous to Latin in Roman times, modern Brujeric would be used for everyday speech and writings while spells and enchantments (Brujeric is intended to be a language of witchcraft) are done in Classical Brujeric. I haven't decided anything yet, but I have toyed around with a simplified declension system for a possible Classical Brujeric. Greg