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Re: [romconlang] Cupbearer

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:

> Does anyone here know how to say "cupbearer,"
> the
> official who serves the king, in any Romance
> lang
> other than Spanish.  I have dictionaries for
> most of
> the Romlangs, but only my honkin' big Spanish
> one has
> this word.  I need to use this word in a
> Carrajena
> piece I'm working on, but with nothing to use
> for
> guidance . . .  Etymologies are also welcome.

French has �chanson for the person and
�chansonnerie for the corps.


manstapurncanar! Horcyasomto! Stat-he sactasawetarams harct-ca!
Ff�tyata-na �erewatyata-na-he! samctan camtar-co yesam.

Wisdom! Hear! Stand up, be quiet and listen to the Gospel! Be quiet
and stop moving about! Peace be with you all...

[Divine Liturgy of St. Thomas, Teleran]


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
