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Re: Romance family tree

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Jan van Steenbergen 
<ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote:
> Hello!
> A while ago, we discussed the possibility of making a family tree of
> the Romance languages. Well, here is an effort. It's based on lot's
> of info I have compiled over the years. Yet, it is far from 
> Some significant languages may have been omitted, while other
> languages listed may have consisted of an idea, a short description,
> or a sentence only. At some point, I may add it to the website too.
> Anyway, see for yourself. Natlangs are capitalised:
> * African:
>   - Afer (Leo Caesius)
>   - Carrajena (Adam Walker) [Punic]
>   - li~-rumaninu/ (Patrick Dunn)
>   - Uchunata (Fortunatian) (Marcus Miles) [Canarian Isles]
Uchunata also has a non-African Etruscan substrate.
> * Other:
>   - Lashkos (Christopher Wright) [Urdu substrate]
>   - *Lingua-yi-Romaig (?) [Central Asia]
>   - [unnamed?] (Marcus Miles) [Armenian substrate]
Armenian? I don't remember doing this. Perhaps you are thinking of 
the Hungarian-influenced Taehir/Taehian.
> Jan
> =====
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