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Re: [romconlang] Vote for your favorite C-a word forms!

 --- Adam Walker skrzypszy: 

> Mavali - traitor < Ar. muwali
> Mavjada - traitor < Ar. muwallad

Well, you replaced these with:

> muvali /mU'valI/
> muvjali /muv'ZalI/

I would prefer the former. But it remains a matter of taste, of

> Magmau - velvet < Ar. makhmal
> Mugmau - velvet < Ar. mukhmal

Velvet? Definitely 1)!

> Marreju - hammer < LL matrellus
> Mizdraga - hammer < Ar. miTraqa

Are you sure you weren't having idiot fingers in this case as well?
Unless I am completely mistaken, it should be Latin _martellus_.
This is a difficult choice, because both are nice. I think I'd follow
the suggestion to keep both, and turn "mizdraga" into some special
kind of hammer used in combat.

> Minoru - minor < Lt. minorus
> Mindru - minor < Lt. minor

Why _minorus_? If you are working from Vulgar Latin, the original
form would rather be _minore(m)_.

Well, from the aesthetical point of view I would choose 2). However,
I think the /o/ in Latin was long, so 1) seems more plausible.

> Mi�era - mine < OFr. miniera < LL minera
> Medaju - mine < LL metallum

Why not simply keep _mi�era_ for "mine" and _medaju_ for "metal"?

> Medigu (native word) - doctor, surgeon < Lt. medicus
> Medicu (learned) - medcal, healing, medicinal < Lt.
> medicus

In my opinion, these two are a bit too close both in meaning and in
form to coexist peacefully. If I were you, I would keep _medigu_ and
_medichinali_, and let go of _medicu_.


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