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Re: [romconlang] Re: Vote for your favorite C-a word forms!

--- faceloran@hidden.email wrote:
> >> Mavali - traitor < Ar. muwali
> >> Mavjada - traitor < Ar. muwallad
> >
> > Mavali is prettier.  But do you want the word for
> traitor
> > to be pretty?  =P
> And if you don't mind a little methatesis, malavi is
> even better, in my opinion. But what's the phonetic
> value of |v|? Is it still /w/ or has it shifted? If
> it's /B/, I still say malavi; otherwise, mavali.

The phonetic value of |v| is /v/, /w/, /u/ and /U/ are

Eek!  I typed those wrongly!

M*u*vali and M*u*vjali.  I've got idiot fingers.

muvali /mU'valI/
muvjali /muv'ZalI/


Indjindrud edjuebu ul Azor ad ul Sadoc.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Sadoc ad ul Acim.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Acim ad ul Eliud.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eliud ad ul Eleazar.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eleazar ad ul Matan.    Indjindrud ul Matan ad ul Jagovu.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Jagovu ad ul Jozevu ul maridu djal Maja dji fin ninadud ul Jezu fin nicuamad Cristu.

Machu 1:14-16