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> I have alternate possible forms of several C-a words > listed below. I don't want more than one of them for > C-a, but I'm having trouble decideing which one. > Choose your favorites and I'll tally the votes. The > most popular choices get added to the dictionary. > Mavali - traitor < Ar. muwali > Mavjada - traitor < Ar. muwallad Tastes differ, but I'd say Mavjada. > Magmau - velvet < Ar. makhmal > Mugmau - velvet < Ar. mukhmal If this is cloth velvet, one of them can describe a certain texture of it. If I'm wrong, otherwise, Magmau. > Marreju - hammer < LL matrellus > Mizdraga - hammer < Ar. miTraqa I like the sound of mizdraga. > Minoru - minor < Lt. minorus > Mindru - minor < Lt. minor Soundwise, I like minoru. But aesthetically, I also like Mindru... tough choice... > Miñera - mine < OFr. miniera < LL minera > Medaju - mine < LL metallum Miñera, to me, sounds like a winner! All three of my favourite vowels too! (I know, I'm such a dork.) > Also under concideration is the following triplet: > > Medigu (native word) - doctor, surgeon < Lt. medicus > Medicu (learned) - medcal, healing, medicinal < Lt. > medicus > Medichinali (semi-learned) - medicinal < Lt. > medicinalis Yup! I seem satisfied with my choice. Your derivatives are wonderfully created, by the way. But what am I saying, I don't know much of Arabic or Aramaic anyways. Good job!