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Re: Uchunata Arabic Orthography

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "dhasenan" <faceloran@j...> wrote:
> --- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4" 
> wrote:
> > Ut.unata Arabic Script
> > 
> > Here is my proposal for Ut.unata in Arabic script. It was used 
> > the Fortunate Isles under Muslim domination, and still is used 
> > the Ut.unata community in the city of Bele_n in al-Wiraniyya 
> (Muslim 
> > South America)
> > 
> > /p/	pa' (ba' with three dots below)
> Wouldn't this better be ba' with two dots below? Three dots seems 
> indicate an alveolar fricative; two has more diverse uses. Ba' 
> three dots below I'd expect to be a retroflex or a labial 
> On the other hand, I'm assuming that language should make sense, 
> which is a totally unfounded and illogical assumption.

I modelled pa' specifically on the Persian abjad /p/. Call them 
illogical if you must.

> <snip>
> > /J/	nun + three dots above
> So you're broadening the usage of three dots rather than having a 
> pair hanging near every third letter.

I don't need thaa' for Ut.unata.

> > /di/	da' + ya'
> > /di\/	da'
> > /du/	da' + waw
> > /de/	da' + kasra
> > /d8/	da' + fath.a
> > /do/	da' +d.amma
> > /da/	da' + 'alif
> > /d/	        da' + sukun
> Interesting. So a combination of /dj/ or /dw/ is impossible? Or 
> you need to memorize the difference? And are the vowels usually 
> written? Can you omit the diacritic vowels? the glide symbols used 
> vowels?

/dw/ is not possible; Ut.unata has only /b/ and /p/ and /f/. /j/ is 
an allophone of /i/ before a vowel.
/dradi/ 'sword', /dradjoS/ 'swords'
Diacritics are mandatory a la Kurdish; I thought that I _was_ using 
the glide symbols /waw/ and /ya'/ as vowels. Or do you mean that waw 
could cover /u/ and /o/? 
> # Christopher Wright