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I hope those of you who get multiple copies of this will forgive me, but I wanted to make this announcement to several realted lists to get the word out. I have just this week gotten approval from American Mensa, Ltd. to start up a Special Interest Group (SIG) under its umbrella to serve language inventers. The new group is called IdeolinguiSIG and will produce its inaugural newsletter in July. The publication will be called _In Other Words_ and will solicit articles from members on any topic dealing with the art and craft of language invention. The subscription dues are tentatively set at $10/year for Mensa members in the US, $12/year for non-members or Mensa members not resident in the US, $14 for foreign resident non-members. Anyone interested, either in subscribing or in contributing an article, please contact me privately at -- carrajena at yahoo dot com. Those who wish to snarl at me for posting this may do so privately or publicly as fits your need. Adam ===== Indjindrud edjuebu ul Azor ad ul Sadoc. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Sadoc ad ul Acim. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Acim ad ul Eliud. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eliud ad ul Eleazar. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eleazar ad ul Matan. Indjindrud ul Matan ad ul Jagovu. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Jagovu ad ul Jozevu ul maridu djal Maja dji fin ninadud ul Jezu fin nicuamad Cristu. Machu 1:14-16