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Uchunata Arabic Orthography

Ut.unata Arabic Script

Here is my proposal for Ut.unata in Arabic script. It was used in 
the Fortunate Isles under Muslim domination, and still is used by 
the Ut.unata community in the city of Bele_n in al-Wiraniyya (Muslim 
South America)

/p/	pa' (ba' with three dots below)
/b/	ba'
/m/	mim
/f/	fa'
/t/	ta'
/d/	da'
/n/	nun
/s/	sin
/z/	zay
/t_s/	chim
/d_Z/	jim
/J/	nun + three dots above
/S/	shin
/t./	ta' + superposed t.a'
/d./	da' + superposed t.a'
/n./	nun + superposed t.a'
/s./	sin + superposed t.a'
/k/	kaf
/j/	ya'
/r/	ra'

/di/	da' + ya'
/di\/	da'
/du/	da' + waw
/de/	da' + kasra
/d8/	da' + fath.a
/do/	da' +d.amma
/da/	da' + 'alif
/d/	da' + sukun