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Re: [romconlang] Bible translations in Ajami TL (was: Ecclesiastes 1:6 in Uchunata)

Costentin Cornomorus eskribiw:

> --- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:
> > I think most of Christians in
> > Ajami-speaking countries (at least in Endalutz
> > [Spain and Portugal
> > *here*] and her former colonies) would be
> > followers of Rito Ladino
> > (Latin Rite),
> What happened to the Isidiorian Rite?

Hmm. What is Isidorian Rite? I don't know enough religious situation
in Western Europe in 7th-9th cc. AD. I was assuming that after
Toledo Council Spain was dominantly Roman Catholic. If it is not so,
I'd like to hear clarifications. Your asistance will be much

-- Yitzik