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Re: [romconlang] Ecclesiastes 1:6 in Uchunata

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>
>  --- Isaac Penzev skrzypszy:
> > Hello. If this quotation becomes a translation
> exercise, maybe you
> > want to do it from the original, not from a loose
> NIV English
> > translation? I can provide the original text with
> the interlinear.
> Yes, please!
> > PS: I'm not yet ready for translating it into
> Adjamiya for two
> > reasons:
> > 1) it does not fit culturally, Ajamis are mostly
> Muslims;
> > 2) the language project is undergoing strong
> revision.
> While the second reason is perfectly valid in my
> opinion, the first one is not;
> if even the Ajamis are mostly Muslims, a few of them
> must be interested in
> learning about Christianity.
> Jan

And there are at least a few Christians among every
Muslim people group.  And most of them have at least
portions of the Bible available in their language. 
The major languages of Muslim peoples have had the
Bible for ages.  Of course some largely Christian
peoples still don't have the Bible in their own


Indjindrud edjuebu ul Ozias ad ul Jotam.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Jotam ad ul Acaz.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Acaz ad ul Ezecias.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Ezecias ad ul Manases.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Manases ad ul Amos.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Amos ad ul Josias.    

Machu 1:9-10