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Re: [romconlang] Hi; & Arabic-Romance Conlang - Dar-Al-Mar

Babnol Rodlox scripsit:

> Hello; I'm new here.

Glad to see you here, Rodlox!

> I was told on Conculture that the region of Dar-al-Mar
> would include
> Romania, which is a Romance Language,

What d'ya mean? How a country may be a language?

As for the lang: is it basicly Romance or basicly Arabic?
I looked at your pages. They are very difficult to read.
Please, don't explain sounds with English (and other
natlangs) examples. It's very ambiguous. Use IPA or any its
ASCIIfication. Make it more presentable. Don't just throw

> I'm already planning [slight] modification to the Arabic
letters in
> Dar-al-Mar as it is.

If they're Muslims (and indeed they are), they would NEVER
dare to disfigure sacred letters used in the Qur'an. They
may use diacritics, on the other had, if they need to denote
sound absent in Classic Arabic. Lokk what Farsi and Urdu do.
Get acquainted, e.g., with this:
and this:
<http://www.omniglot.com/writing/urdu.htm> and other langs
using Arabic script.

Search in Conlang-L archives for "Rumiya". It may help too
(that was my old abandoned project).

> I look forwards to your comments, and suggestions on
> whether or not I should
> do things such as reducing the present number of letters
> (51).

I would have said something if I had seen the lettershapes.

-- Yitzik