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<<This msg was intended to be sent both to Rom- and Slavi-conlang workshops, but because of server problems get to S. first. So here is a copy for *your* attention>> _____________________ Buna zija pra toci! Much professional work (e.g. 6 hours of oral interpreting) seems to stimulate me. So for now I've decided to make only occasional contibutions to Slezan (because it's quite perfect without my deep involvment), but instead I've got a crazy idea for even more Slavic romlang. Its provisional name is Ziemba Karpacka (i.e. Carpathian language). Being essentialy Romance, it shall exhibit all sorts of neat Slavic features not only in phonology (as we see in Wenedyk, Slezan etc.), but also in domain of morphology, like imperfective/perfective verb aspects, and syntax. I'm not sure if it should be a part of IB, or a different ATL, but for now I'll concentrate on working out the language itself, and its culture may be described in more details later. Tout bun, -- Yitzik