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Re: [romconlang] pseudo-Latin "hinges"

Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
> But of course! :)I was planning to restore the first two in my conlang as
> <dakruma> and <dingwa> (I actually decided for banish use of <c> for /k/
> because it looked "too Real World Latin" :)

Here's an interesting proposal, this alter-Latin, instead of inventing a
new letter G, instead simply adopted a convention of separating K and C,
such that {K} represented /k/ and {C} represented /g/ (Or some other way
of dividing the K/C/Q trio).  :-)

"There's no such thing as 'cool'.  Everyone's just a big dork or nerd,
you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." -
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