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Re: OT: Mangled text (was Re: [romconlang] Romance WE)

On Friday, January 2, 2004, at 06:43  PM, Paul Bennett wrote:
On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 10:05:09 +0000 (GMT), Jan van Steenbergen
<ijzeren_jan@hidden.email> wrote:
--- Jan van Steenbergen skrzypszy:
<unicode alert on>

Sorry, that should be Central European (Windows).

It didn't come through here. It didn't make it onto the web viewer intact, either. I do know that Jan is capable of making non-Latin-1 text, and that I am capable of reading it. Am I to surmise that Yahoo! groups is even less friendly to non-Latin-1 text than the brown.edu listserv?
Great. Just, great.

It worked fine for me once i found out that it wasn't Unicode, and told my mail program to use the correct encoding. Which is unusual; half the time i know what encoding something is, but the program refuses to read it properly.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "...hæjjoðöl hæjjibbör wæhænnöro..."