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Re: OT: Mangled text (was Re: [romconlang] Romance WE)

 --- Adam Walker skrzypszy:

> I've had the most awful time guessing at what you've
> written since the switch.  Almost al the non-Latin-1
> characters in your posts arrive in my in-box as
> variations of capital A. A with +, A with ^, A with
> c-cedilla, A with what-have-you.  So I'd really
> appreciate the ASCII version if it's not too much
> trouble.

That looks suspiciously much like Unicodes messages viewed in another (West
European, most likely) encoding. Have you tried switching to Unicode manually
(if you have IE, follow View -> Encoding -> Unicode or UTF-8)? That should
really solve the problem! 
Unfortunately, I don't know how I can change the default settings for outgoing
messages in IE6, so that each message has UTF-8 as its embedded encoding. That
would make it unnecessary for any of you to change the encoding manually each

Do you have similar problems reading my website, Adam? For example, try:
<http://www.geocities.com/wenedyk/language/texts.html>. It that works properly,
there is still hope!

If not, then of course I will add an ASCII-friendly version to every Wenedyk
message I send in the future.


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