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Re: OT: Mangled text (was Re: [romconlang] Romance WE)

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>

> Anyways, I use non-Latin-1 text only because Polish
> and Wenedyk look horrible
> in ASCII. When I noticed that I started posting less
> about Wenedyk because I
> didn't recognise my own language in my messages, I
> decided to go non-Latin-1
> after all. But if anyone is really interested and
> has a problem reading it, I
> am always prepared to make an ASCII-friendly
> version. Just let me know.
> Jan

I've had the most awful time guessing at what you've
written since the switch.  Almost al the non-Latin-1
characters in your posts arrive in my in-box as
variations of capital A. A with +, A with ^, A with
c-cedilla, A with what-have-you.  So I'd really
appreciate the ASCII version if it's not too much


Fached il prori ul pa�eveju mutu chu djul atexindu.
-- Carrajena proverb