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--- Adam Walker skrzypszy: > I'm currently leaning toward C-a forms nozu/-a. What > think ye? I agree with Christian, that -u and -a for plural forms seems odd. I would suggest nozi/-e and vozi/-e instead. But to be honest, I don't see the point of distinguishing gender in this case. Even the Slavic languages, who distinguish gender whenever they can, don't have feminine personal pronouns for other persons than the 3rd. Polish (just to give an example) d�es make a different in the attached verbal forms, however. For example: <unicode alert on> ja by�em - I (m) was ja by�am - I (f) was ty by�es - you (m) were ty by�a� - you (f) were on by� - he was ona by�a - she was ono by�o - it was my byli�my - we (m or mixed) were my by�y�my - we (f) were wy byli�cie - you (m or mixed pl.) were wy by�y�cie - you (f.pl.) were oni byli - they (m or mixed) were one by�y - they (f) were All this can be explained from the fact that in Common Slavic "by�" was some kind of participle, with a short form of "to be" attached to it. I never adopted this feature into Wenedyk, BTW. <unicode alert off> Now that you mention it, I have never been particularly satisfied with the Wenedyk 1st and 2nd persons plural, _nosz_ and _wosz_. I am considering changing them to _nu_ and _wu_, at least in the nominative. _nosz_ and _wosz_ could then stay as accusatives. Jan ===== "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito." ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html