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Re: [romconlang] Re: Translation exercise - Days of the week

--- tursachan2000
<thomas@hidden.email> scrievit:

> > > I'm holding out for "Teach Yourself Kerno",
> > > myself! :-)
> > 
> > Ha! You might want to write it yourself - I
> > kind
> > of gave up on the idea of doing a TY. 
> Okay, err... how bout one of them old fashioned
> primers? The "here's 
> the grammar, here's some texts, here's a
> glossary, now figure it out yourself" 
> approach? :)

That's what I did with the literary variety
several years back. I simply haven't gotten
around to it for the spoken variety yet. And
while I have several round tuits, I'm still
happily procrastinating! ;)

> > > Actually, one aspect of Kerno which I have
> > > found tough is working out 
> > > pronunciation from the orthography. 
> > 
> > Yes. That was one of the design goals! ;)
> Aha. ;) So are we just supposed to guess? :) 

Well, no! There are definitely rules and similar
(and I don't know them all). Like English, some
of it is simply memorisation - you simply have to
be exposed to words and situations where |Z| is
[z] or [D] or [Z] for example.

> Or would you consider 
> adding a page to your online Kerno materials
> explaining the 
> relationship between the written and spoken
> word? :)

Och. I guess I could work on something like

> > > Do the rules from the Grammar of 
> > > the literary language generally hold true
> for
> > > the colloquial language 
> > > as well? 
> Ye've nae answered ma question, cheil! :)

Well, ye're speirin at me and A hae no answer! Do
you mean that list of sound correspondences at
the back - the Latin to Kerno list? That one's
still (largely) valid. Certainly I've come across
a lot more funy spellings for sounds since I
wrote that; but it's really a phonology chart,
not an orthography chart. Now, isn't there a
chart online that gives Kerno sounds and written
forms? I think that one's still pretty up to
date. I thought I had one up there, but of
course, haven't looked recently!

> > > Or could I pester you for a sample
> > > passage with transription in X-SAMPA? :)
> > 
> > Pester all you like! ;) I'd have to look into
> > x-sampa and learn how it works before I tried
> > doing this.
> Really? Wow, I though I was the only one who
> was clueless about X-
> SAMPA and that I just had to deal because
> everybody else used it! 

Nay. I've no clew. I use a kitbashed IPA
approximation scheme. When I think of putting one
in at all - there are a lot of common K sounds
that I just don't know the IPA for.

> Nice to know I'm not alone! :) Well, any sort
> of phonetic representation, then. :)

I guess I have no excuse, I do have the IPA's
phonology cd, so should be able to make some use
of that.

> > And of couse, I'm still
> > procrastinating on doing an actual Kerno
> sound
> > file...
> That would be even awesomer. Do you have any
> idea how many people are 
> probably waiting for you to do that? ;)

Well, thou. I can't imagine there'ld be all that
many waiting for it.

Allright, I'll go along today and look into a
microphone and see if I can't whip something up.
I do have the text and a model speaker in mind...

> Thomas (frustrated Kerno admirer)

Och, I need someone that can translate what I
know intuitively into something useful. One thing
I've learnt in my years conlanging is that the
hardest part of all is describing the conlang! :S


la cieurgeourea provoer mal trasfu ast meiyoer ke 'l andrext ben trasfu.


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Come visit The World! --
