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Re: Days of the week (fi: Translation exercise)

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Jan van Steenbergen"
<ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote:

> > OK, here we go.  It's 3am and I've just spent seven hours
> > at the academic ball, but there's always time for 
> > conlanging, right?   =D
> Academic ball? Is that something with robes and smokings and the 
> like? Did you have any success?


It's a decorated ball with 10'000 participants, taking place
in the main building of my institute of technology.  I did
wear a dress jacket, but the matching trousers didn't fit me
anymore (shame on me...), so I had to go with my concert 
jeans instead.  I hope nobody noticed the blacks were slightly
different.  =P

What do you consider "success" at a ball?  We had fun, got to
dance a lot, and drove the dessert buffet into ruin.  ;-)

> Not exactly a translation exercise; I've had them for a long time. 
> For súch a long time even, that I wonder if two of them shouldn't 
> actually be changed: 

Although mine are merely a night old, I think I'll have to 
change two of them (incidentally, the same two as you):

_Domenicus_ oughta become |Doweingu| [dA'veNg] according to
my as of yet unwritten GMP, while _Mercúrii Dies_ might 
rather end up as |Guerdsé|.  I've also contemplated getting
rid of the e-class noun ending, replacing it with indeclinable
|-ei|, which wouldn't attract stress...  so it would become
|Lundsei| ['lundze] rather than |Lundsé| [,lun'dze:].  I find
it more sensible to place the stress on the information-
bearing part of the word...  but then, French officially has
the stress on the -di as well.  Then again, Spanish and 
Italian don't...

-- Christian Thalmann