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Re: Weekly Vocab 30 in Kash

(Crossposted from Conlang)

Hurray, it's one of the saner ones!

1. friend (can't believe I hadn't used this!)
A good friend is often a source of strife.

Bone u wigu ix sae u fonde nys rixa.
[bo:n @ vi:gz iS saj @ fAnd ny riS]

2. to take
For instance, my friend once took all my pens.

Ni ximbel, ni uec, mi wiga hae sunte toze mi eas pinnae.
[ni 'Simb@l  ni yC  mi vi:g he zunt to:z miS 'pinne]

3. to tell
She didn't even tell me.

Eja nau hae nuendsade id mic.
[e:j no he nyn'dza:d i miC]

4. to want
I wanted a pen and I didn't have one.

Ejvo an pinna, ed haevo nuola.
['ejvA m bin  e 'hajvA nu@l]

5. to buy
I had to buy a new pen and ink.

Nessiva mic ewer nove an pinna ed tinta.
[nes'si:v miC 'e:v@r no:v @m bin et tint]

6. to end
But a good friendship can't end that easily.

Sed bone a aengidsa nau poesse deindser tan faeglei.
[seb bo:n @n EN'gi:dz no pas 'dendz@r tam 'pajgle]

7. not
At least she's not a[n a]theist or [an/mon/dy]archist or a

Iombrinne nau ix a pana od a anarchista od a caefte uerde.
[im'brin no iS @ ba:n Ad @n ,an@r'kiSt Ad @ gEft yrd]

Note: |Iombrinne| is from German "immerhin".  |Caefte
      uerde| means "greenhead" and doesn't refer to
      environmentalists, but to punks.

8. to support
But then, I'd support her no matter what.

Aude, gau tsare cun ei aege ni casu.
[awd  go dza:r kun ej ajg ni ga:z]

9. definition
That is the definition of "friend".

Ix ja deimpidsone ys "wigu".
[iS j@ ,zempi'dzo:n y vi:g]

10. both
We'd both do the same.

Nos ambi game aher id ize.
[nAz 'ambi ga:m a:r id i:z]

Note: |Ize| is from _idem, eadem, idem_, meaning "the same,
      identical", as opposed to |eogaele| "equal, just as
      good, equivalent".

-- Christian Thalmann