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Re: SPAM for Translation

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Christian Thalmann" <cinga@g...> 
> (Crossposted from langmaker2)
> Wheee! A translation exercise! =D
> --- In langmaker2@yahoogroups.com, "sleepwithme2nite4"
> <sleepwithme2nite4@y...> wrote:
> > My wife keeps telling me she wants to cuddle and I'm sick of it! 
> going to this new personal site where the women don't want to cuddle
> even after sex. Take a look.
> But I like cuddling... ::puppy eyes::
> (Not that I'd have empirical proof for that. I'm still
> a virgin...) =((
Mi ucsaur xort dict y me pod fsa xort dexirat fenohuytut*. Me fentat!
Mu bau ben y fsau nobau foxaunarau xit yb fsax muriorex naun dexran 
fenohuytut iam foch huytutiaun. Fsoctat!
*fenohuytut < paene-fututum
> Ahem. Anyway... here's the text in Jovian, the
> language of the True Roman Noblemen Who Don't Do Such
> Foolish Things As Cuddling. In public.
How does one say 'gravitas' in Jovian?