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Weekly (sic) Vocab 28 Isidora reminded me of the duties I had been shirking. Thanks, Isidora. (And that's without sarcasm.) 1. alley I got lost in an alley the other day. Mu dau'brit fy biarc f'aria diynha. Mu dau obrit fy biarc fy aria diynha. I AUX-1SG lost-PPtc at alley at other-FSg day-FSg [mu do%brit fi\%bjark %farja %dji\Ja] 2. thug Two thugs appeared out of nowhere. Dy miraunex an afrat enirau. Dy miraunex an afrat enirau. Two `Milo'-MSg AUX appear-Ptc out-of-nothing [di\ mironeS ana%frat e%niro] 3. knife They had long knives. Fsaux an fses ronjax cyfxydex. Fsaux an fses ronjax cyfxydex. They-M AUX-3PL have-PPtc long-ADJ-FPl knife-FPl [fsoS af%fses %r8nd_ZaS %ki\fSi\deS] 4. mug I think they were trying to mug me, but they didn't say much. Mu futau pod fsaux xorn conat yct me, xod fsaux naun an dict murtax. Mu futau pod fsaux xorn conat yct me, I think-1SG that PRON-3Pl AUX-3Pl try-PPtc beat-PPtc I-ACC xod fsaux naun an dict murtax. But they-M NEG AUX speak-Ptc many-ADJ-FPl [mu%futo p8d fsoS S8rk8%nat %i\ctme] [S8d fsoS non an%dikt murtaS] 5. police / civil guard Before they reached me, the police arrived. Fryx fsaux an abben me, fsaux tofrarex an ben. Fryx fsaux an abben me, before-CONJ they-M AUX reach-Ptc I-ACC fsaux tofrarex an ben. ART-MPl police-FPl AUX come-Ptc [fri\S fsoS anab%bemme] [fsoS t8%frareS am%ben] 6. brawl There was a bit of a brawl. Och rex do fumn. Och rex do fumn. be-3Sg thing-FSg of-PREP brawl-NSg [8t_S reS d8%fumn] 7. to imprison The thieves didn't want to be imprisoned. Huurex naun an dexirat os fy fsa turiana. Huurex naun an dexirat os fy fsa turiana. Thief-FPl NEG AUX want-Ptc be-Ptc at-PREP ART-NPl prison-NPl [%wureS non andeSi%rat 8s fi\ fsatur%jana] turian, turiana < Tullianum (Rome's only prison) 8. to surrender At last, one surrendered, but the other was already dead. Fyhuin, uno x'at chadyt, xod fsau ariau rat iam mochau. Fyhuin, uno xy at chadyt, in-end one-ADJ-MSg REFL AUX surrender-Ptc xod fsau ariau rat iam mochau. but-CONJ ART-MSg other-ADJ-MSg be-IMPF-3Sg now/already dead-ADJ-MSg [fi\%win] [%uno Sat t_Sadi\t][S8d fso%arjo rat jam %m8t_So] 9. corpse His corpse is loose and flabby like fat cut from a steak. Xy corfra'ch frauductau't uracydau, pan adofs xoctata e auhua. Xy corfra och frauductau ot uracydau, REFL corpse-FSg be-3Sg loose-ADJ-MSg and flabby-ADJ-MSg pan adofs xoctata e auhua. Like/than fat-FSg cut-Ptc from-PREP steak-FSg [Si\k8rfrat_S fro%duktot u%raki\do][pan ad8fs S8k%tata e%owa] 10. god(s) God/The gods alone will judge him now. Nun Dibin xaurau bat iudycat fsau. Nun Dibin xaurau bat iudycat fsau. Now God alone-MSg AUX judge-Ptc PRON-3Sg [nun di%bin %Soro batjudi\%kat fso]