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This one will also feature both a SOV and a VSO version of each sentence. --- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote: > Brought to you in part by Sluggy Freelance. > 1. employment EMPUOJU, IMPUIGU, UZU, NEGOCHU, OCUBACHUNI, SERVICHU FESTU > I seek employment if my liver will not burst from > it. Ju si ul mi huigadu nu pervi fistu nu dirumbiverid festu dezirru. Dezirru festu si nu dirumbiverid peru fist ul mi huigadu. > 2. relative (person related to you, that is) TRIVU > Relatives are stereotyped as being evil. Uls trivus pomu uls malus nistereotipud. Nistereotipud pomu uls malus uls trivus. > 3. offense SCANDULU, OFINZA, OFINXU, CUPA, INJUJA, DELIPU, ANA, JANI, PARAPOMA, AMARACHA, PORSCOPI > I don't know how he could possibly take offense from > a simple greeting, > but he left in a huff. Ju pomu jun peu junu saludu simpuechu posivui eseud xiscandaluzadu nu xiru, peru jun pera ofinzu laxud. Nu xiru pomu posivui eseud xiscanaluzadu peu junu saludu simpuechu, peru laxud pera ofinza. > 4. to discourage EXAMINAR > That discourages me because it may lose me my job. Fistu mi examinad pervi jid ul miu lavoru mi nidizaprobed. Examinad mi pervi nidizaprobed mi ul miu lavoru. > 5. monkey MEMU > We have our very own trickster monkey god here. > Should I be happy or > afraid? Nozu ul nostru balu memu froadoru propriu avi avemus. Ju gadjozu jud timudu eseu, nu? Avemus nozu avi nostru balu memu frodadoru propriu. Eseu gadjozu jud timidu, nu? > 6. to disappoint FRUSTRADARI > I fear that I have disappointed everyone else with > an interesting nickname. Ju, fid ju uls todus aurrus cun juni an~umimuimi aveu frustradu, ju timeu. Timeu fid aveu frustradu uls todus aurrus cun juni an~umi muimi. > 7. hammer MARREJU > Argh. I just tripped over a hammer and landed on my > nose. Ui! Fist'agora ju in junu marreju indrebedji ed pera buca cadji. Ui! Fist'agora indrebedji in junu marreju ed cadji pera buca. > 8. pattern DISIN~U > The carpet has a pretty floral pattern on it. In al jumbra junu disin~u beju djals fuoras aved. Aved in al jumbra junu disin~u beju djals fuoras. > 9. annoyance VEXACHU > Sweeping the floor is a minor annoyance. Ul pavimindu everreri junu vexachu segundoju esti. Esti junu vexachu segundoju ul everrindu djal pavimindu. > 10. whisper XUXUU > He strains to hear a whisper who refuses to hear a > shout. Fin junu firidu judiri rin~id, jun junu xuxuu judiri an~idid. Fin rin~id judiri junu firidu, an~idid judiri junu xuxuu. > Mr. Mills, I am glad I could be of service. > > ~wright Adam ===== Il prori ul pa雝veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji fached. -- Carrajena proverb